We’d be sorry to see you go, so before you decide to cancel your Findmypast subscription, it could be worth contacting our customer support team. We may be able to help with any problems you’re having with the site or talk you through other subscription options.
You can cancel your Findmypast subscription online at any time through your account settings. This will cancel your next payment, ending your access to most of the site's family records and features when it expires.
Prior to your expiration date:
1. Log in, go to 'My Account' and select 'My subscription'
2. Below the details of your subscription select 'Manage Subscription', where you can select the option to cancel.
3. You'll then be asked to confirm you would like to cancel your subscription
4. Select 'Cancel Subscription' to continue
5. You may be asked some questions about your experience with Findmypast
6. A confirmation message will appear
7. Once confirmed, you will receive an email showing the changes made to your account
If you have any problems with cancelling your subscription, please contact Customer Support.
What can I view after I cancel my subscription?
After you have cancelled, you’ll still have the same access to the records and features included in your subscription until it expires. You can see the expiry date and details of your subscription by following the steps outlined above.
After your subscription has ended you won't be able to access new or previously viewed records. However, you can find details of what you can access without a subscription.
What if I change my mind about cancelling my subscription?
Before your expiry date, you can select "Reactive Subscription" using the steps outlined above. This will restart the same subscription that you have previously. This package will automatically renew unless cancelled.
After your expiry date, or if you wish to choose a different subscription type, you can visit the memberships page to explore the different options available and select your prefered package.